Temperature monitoring systems
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Temperature monitoring solutions for your businessLearn More

temperature monitoring

i-temp.com.au Automated temperature monitoring, data logging and alert systems assists you with Compliance of food safety legislation, automatically, accurately, independently.

Massive savings in time and labour, technology does the work for a fraction of what it now costs you in labour.

Save stock and labour  when refrigeration systems fail through alerts to any number of staff anywhere, anytime, providing time and opportunity to save perishables.

Real time temperatures accessed anywhere anytime by phone/tablet/computer 24/7/365

Automated weekly reports on your systems

It's inexpensive, hassle free as we sort everything for you to set up and maintain the system. Major operators and producers already have implement these systems, they wouldn't event consider operating without such systems in place. Now your business can too, but for a fraction of the cost!

The sensors are the latest awarding USA made IOT sensors and are suitable for other industry applications also, building management, medical, horticulture and agriculture.


Partner with i-temp.

Partner with i-temp.

Why partnering i-temp makes sense for your business.

Firstly we are not a start up tech company, but a 'hands on' experienced hospitality consulting business. 

1. Years of hands on experience in all sectors of hospitality and food service, led us to develop this industry solution. In fact our first experience to this type tech dates back in 2006

We are proud to be assisting industry leading and awarding wining sites with their food safety, and we have the runs on the board,  currently we are collecting over 1,500,000+ points of temperature data per year!

2. Partnering with award wining world leaders in IOT technology. We have tried many of the products in the market, they simply don't meet the needs of the industry, simplicity, reliability and durability being key requirements. Our key Features such as wired probes allow the digital hardware to remain 'outside' of the Cool, Moist refrigeration environment. It's not rocket science, electronics and moisture don't mix. We are not 'field testing' new product in the industry our sensors are tried and trusted with tens of thousands of them in the international marketplace.

3. Ongoing support and service, We receive the same alerts and reports you do, if we spot anomalies that we think need attention we will be in contact with you. In fact you will see us many times through the year, spot checks, temperature calibrations and any issues that need attention. We will even help your staff set up their Smart Phone Apps, Desk top access and customize the monitoring solution to suit your operation.

This includes staff training on how to use and get the most out of the system, ongoing as we know staff come and go.

4. All the programming of alerts, reports and local connections we take care of. You don't need to worry about the IT complexities we will work with your IT department or provider to get you up and running with minimum fuss.

5. Class leading technology. Our system also alerts us when you need a battery replacing or even if there has been an issue with internet connections. If there are any operating issues with your system we will know about before you do! Temperature reminder alerts are a standard feature also.

6. Our sensors are like mini computers with on board storage, even if the internet is down the data is still being logged and will be uploaded to the storage cloud  when back on line.

Data Security and systems are of the strictest levels and protocols. 

7. Easy to read monitoring Mobile APP and website, clear concise and simple, yet still detailed. Makes it easy for any user to monitor, respond to alerts and check past history all via smart phone App. Automated weekly reports to save you time!

8. We partner ongoing with you for to assist you with Food Safety Compliance, automatically, accurately, independently.

Your success in this sector of your business is our success.

THE SYSTEM PAYS FOR ITSELF and saves you more money$!

The idea that technology can remove the need for humans to do mundane time wasting inefficient work is real, 'if you are paying staff to collect and record temperature data twice a day you are WASTING money, FACT i-temp does this work, much cheaper and better than humans can. This means that staff time can now be better spent on more important tasks.

Real time temperatures accessed anywhere anytime by phone/tablet/computer 24/7/365

'Save time, money and reputation, i-temp'

Contact us now for your free onsite consultation.